A revisit to the traditional Indian Postal Service!
Indian post was once an indispensable part of the communication system. The development of technology and the advent of electronic media have overshaded the importance of postal services.
The new generation resorts to conveying messages via emails and other advanced communication media. In order to experience, explore and learn about the traditional system of postal Service, a post office visit was organized for the students of grade 3 to grade 7, on 9th December 2022, Friday. Our teachers and students visited the Varthur post office, in Bangalore. The children had a glance at various counters catering to selling stamps, envelopes, postcards, etc.
They learned to write a postcard and wrote Christmas n new year greetings to their parents. It was a delightful and exciting experience for the kids as they posted their postcards. The trip was really an enjoyable as well as and informative experience for the students.