The Orientation began on the thought, “No teacher is a substitute for a patent
No school is an alternate for home.”
Welcoming parents to the new academic session, Ms Sini Antony- Principal, spoke at length about the benefits of effective communication between parents and teachers; moving further, she also spoke in detail about the different ways of nurturing a child with love and care to build a strong foundation for their glorious future.
The parents were briefed about the rules and regulations of the school. Not to forget, the co-scholastic activities were also discussed that gave the parents an idea of the curriculum. They were informed about the infrastructural development and the new initiatives of this academic year. The orientation concluded on the note, “Together we shall give the children roots to grow, and wings to fly”.
Parent orientation was followed by PTM in the respective classes w9ith their class teachers to discuss the performance of students with their parents. This interaction achieved to bring to notice the strengths and weakness of the students, and the ways to develop their skills with the joint efforts of both parents and teachers.